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Sponsor: Virginia Longitudinal Data System
Principal investigator: Susan T. Gooden, Ph.D.
Award amount: $354,966
Grant period: July 2012-June 2014

A team of UVA and VCU researchers, led by co-principal investigators James Wycoff, professor, Curry School of Education and Susan T. Gooden, professor, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and executive director, Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute, were awarded a $350,000 Virginia Longitudinal Data System grant. The VLDS is designed to provide Virginia citizens, researchers, and policymakers with a single point of access to educational and workforce development program data from multiple, independent sources. The system is funded by the Statewide Longitudinal Data System grant program of the United States Department of Education, with support from the Workforce Data Quality Initiative grant program of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Community College System are project sponsors. The partnering state agencies include the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Virginia Community College System, Virginia Department of Education and Virginia Employment Commission.

The UVA/VCU research team have designed and conducted research using available statewide education and workforce data. The research findings will be used to promote systemic performance enhancement across multiple partners and stakeholder groups, including K-12 education, postsecondary education, workforce development, and economic development.