photo of a group of women standing and smiling together with an overlay of text with the date and time of the 2019 conference.

Past Conferences

2018, 12th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: November 2, 2018

Conference Keynote Speaker: Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, Board of Governers Distinguished Service Professor, Graduate Department of Public Policy and Administration, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Opening Plenary Speakers: Christy Coleman, CEO, American Civil War Museum; Monique Greenwood, Chief Operating Officer, Akwaaba Bed & Breakfast Inns; Aradhana Bela Sood, Professor, Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University; Pauline Weger, Founder, Quotabelle, Inc. 



2017, 11th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: November 3, 2017

Conference Keynote Speaker: Vida Williams, Founder and Managing Partner, AXIS Partners, Inc.

Closing Plenary Speakers: Aaron Anderson & David Leong, Virginia Commonwealth University

2017 HIGHER Ground Conference Program: Front Matter, Agenda, Speakers, Back Matter


2016, 10th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: January 29, 2016

Conference Keynote Speaker: Freda Thornton, President & CEO, FWL & Sons Inc.

Morning Plenary Speakers: Gwen Williams Dandridge, Former TV News Anchor and Professor, Mass Communications, Virginia State University; Melanie H. Green, Vice President and Provost, Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing; Kelli Lemon, Social Entrepreneur; Colette McEachin, Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney, City of Richmond

2016 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2015, 9th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: January 30, 2015

Conference Keynote Speaker: Suzanne Malveaux, CNN Award Winning Journalist

Morning Plenary Speaker: Ava-Joye, Anchor/Video-Journalist, WRIC-TV; Ruth Jones, Executive Director, YWCA South Hampton Roads; Nancy Rodrigues, Secretary Administration, Commonwealth of Virginia; Angela Wilkes, Director Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, Owens & Minor

2015 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2014, 8th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: January 31, 2014

Conference Keynote Speaker: Anne Goddard, President & CEO, ChildFund International

Morning Plenary Speaker: Suzette Denslow, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia; Tiffany Jana, CEO, TMI Consulting, Inc.; Ruth Jones, Executive Director, YWCA South Hampton Roads; Jennifer McClellan*, Delegate, Commonwealth of Virginia's 71st District; Colleen Quinn, Attorney & Partner, Locke & Quinn Personal Injury & Law Attorneys; and Gayle Jessup White, Communications Consultant, Writer, Realtor (*pending General Assembly obligations)

2014 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2013, 7th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: January 25, 2013

Conference Theme: Destination HIGHER Ground: Your Guide to Excellence in Leadership

Conference Keynote Speaker: Sonia Aranza, Global Consultant, Executive Leadership Expert, Aranza Communications

Morning Plenary Speaker: Mary Foley, Bodacious Ventures, LLC; Debbie Lennick, Vice President, Market Innovation, CREATIVE; Susan Mitchell, President, Guardians of Honor, LLC; Wanda Mitchell, Vice President, Diversity & Equity, VCU; Katherine Winstch, Founder, The Mom Complex

2013 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2012, 6th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference

Conference Date: January 27, 2012

Conference Theme: Maximizing You: Unlocking the Treasures Within

Conference Keynote Speaker: Mary C. Doswell, Senior Vice President- Alternative Energy Solutions, Dominion

Afternoon Plenary Speaker: Mary Foley, Bodacious Ventures, LLC

2012 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2011, 5th Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon

Conference Date: January 21, 2011

Conference Theme: Transforming Ourselves Transforming the World

Conference Keynote Speaker: Gail Letts, President and CEO of the Central Virginia Region, SunTrust Bank

2011 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2010, 4th Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon

Conference Date: January 15, 2010

Conference Theme: Celebrating a Decade of Women in Leadership

Conference Keynote Speaker: Daphne Maxwell Reid

2010 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2009, 3rd Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon

Conference Date: January 23, 2009

Conference Theme: Living Today, Leading Tomorrow

Conference Keynote Speaker: Eva Teig Hardy, Executive Vice President, Retired, Dominion

2009 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2008, 2nd Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon

Conference Date: January 18, 2008

Conference Theme: Born a Woman, Born a Leader

Conference Keynote Speaker: Stacy Hawkins Adams

2008 HIGHER Ground Conference Program

2006, 1st HIGHER Ground Luncheon

Conference Date: December 1, 2006

Conference Theme: Leadership Presence: Courage and Confidence as Women Leaders

Conference Keynote Speakers: The Honorable Jean W. Cunningham and The Honorable Anne G. “Panny” Rhodes

2006 HIGHER Ground Conference Program