2018, 12th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: November 2, 2018
Conference Keynote Speaker: Gloria Bonilla-Santiago, Board of Governers Distinguished Service Professor, Graduate Department of Public Policy and Administration, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Opening Plenary Speakers: Christy Coleman, CEO, American Civil War Museum; Monique Greenwood, Chief Operating Officer, Akwaaba Bed & Breakfast Inns; Aradhana Bela Sood, Professor, Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University; Pauline Weger, Founder, Quotabelle, Inc.
2017, 11th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: November 3, 2017
Conference Keynote Speaker: Vida Williams, Founder and Managing Partner, AXIS Partners, Inc.
Closing Plenary Speakers: Aaron Anderson & David Leong, Virginia Commonwealth University
2017 HIGHER Ground Conference Program: Front Matter, Agenda, Speakers, Back Matter
2016, 10th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: January 29, 2016
Conference Keynote Speaker: Freda Thornton, President & CEO, FWL & Sons Inc.
Morning Plenary Speakers: Gwen Williams Dandridge, Former TV News Anchor and Professor, Mass Communications, Virginia State University; Melanie H. Green, Vice President and Provost, Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing; Kelli Lemon, Social Entrepreneur; Colette McEachin, Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney, City of Richmond
2016 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2015, 9th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: January 30, 2015
Conference Keynote Speaker: Suzanne Malveaux, CNN Award Winning Journalist
Morning Plenary Speaker: Ava-Joye, Anchor/Video-Journalist, WRIC-TV; Ruth Jones, Executive Director, YWCA South Hampton Roads; Nancy Rodrigues, Secretary Administration, Commonwealth of Virginia; Angela Wilkes, Director Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, Owens & Minor
2015 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2014, 8th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: January 31, 2014
Conference Keynote Speaker: Anne Goddard, President & CEO, ChildFund International
Morning Plenary Speaker: Suzette Denslow, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia; Tiffany Jana, CEO, TMI Consulting, Inc.; Ruth Jones, Executive Director, YWCA South Hampton Roads; Jennifer McClellan*, Delegate, Commonwealth of Virginia's 71st District; Colleen Quinn, Attorney & Partner, Locke & Quinn Personal Injury & Law Attorneys; and Gayle Jessup White, Communications Consultant, Writer, Realtor (*pending General Assembly obligations)
2014 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2013, 7th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: January 25, 2013
Conference Theme: Destination HIGHER Ground: Your Guide to Excellence in Leadership
Conference Keynote Speaker: Sonia Aranza, Global Consultant, Executive Leadership Expert, Aranza Communications
Morning Plenary Speaker: Mary Foley, Bodacious Ventures, LLC; Debbie Lennick, Vice President, Market Innovation, CREATIVE; Susan Mitchell, President, Guardians of Honor, LLC; Wanda Mitchell, Vice President, Diversity & Equity, VCU; Katherine Winstch, Founder, The Mom Complex
2013 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2012, 6th Annual HIGHER Ground Conference
Conference Date: January 27, 2012
Conference Theme: Maximizing You: Unlocking the Treasures Within
Conference Keynote Speaker: Mary C. Doswell, Senior Vice President- Alternative Energy Solutions, Dominion
Afternoon Plenary Speaker: Mary Foley, Bodacious Ventures, LLC
2012 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2011, 5th Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon
Conference Date: January 21, 2011
Conference Theme: Transforming Ourselves Transforming the World
Conference Keynote Speaker: Gail Letts, President and CEO of the Central Virginia Region, SunTrust Bank
2011 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2010, 4th Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon
Conference Date: January 15, 2010
Conference Theme: Celebrating a Decade of Women in Leadership
Conference Keynote Speaker: Daphne Maxwell Reid
2010 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2009, 3rd Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon
Conference Date: January 23, 2009
Conference Theme: Living Today, Leading Tomorrow
Conference Keynote Speaker: Eva Teig Hardy, Executive Vice President, Retired, Dominion
2009 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2008, 2nd Annual HIGHER Ground Luncheon
Conference Date: January 18, 2008
Conference Theme: Born a Woman, Born a Leader
Conference Keynote Speaker: Stacy Hawkins Adams
2008 HIGHER Ground Conference Program
2006, 1st HIGHER Ground Luncheon
Conference Date: December 1, 2006
Conference Theme: Leadership Presence: Courage and Confidence as Women Leaders
Conference Keynote Speakers: The Honorable Jean W. Cunningham and The Honorable Anne G. “Panny” Rhodes
2006 HIGHER Ground Conference Program