Ways to Give
We invite you to explore ways to invest in The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute’s mission by contributing to a program or becoming a Friend of the Institute. No matter how you choose to invest, your donation will have an impact on future programs. All gifts to The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute are fully tax deductible.
Become a Friend of GEHLI
The monetary gifts from Friends of GEHLI support the promotion and development of current and emerging leaders in academic institutions, as well as other public, private and nonprofit organizations, and communities. We ask you to help the Institute continue its mission of excellence. Your gift can help us further enrich the Institute experiences for all future participants. Please consider lending your support to our work and our mission.
Give On Line
Please visit our online donation page to make a gift today.
Mail Your Donation
Send your payment to:
The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
P.O. Box 842534
Richmond, VA 23284-3061
* Please make checks payable to The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute.
Your gift helps to keep GEHLI programs innovative and new. Monetary gifts may be designated for one of our four programs:
- The VCU Leadership Development Program is a ten-month program designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and experience of current and emerging leaders at VCU who represent the academic and administrative units of the university and the VCU Health System. During this program, participants learn about VCU’s structure and leadership, address both local and national issues in higher education, examine their own leadership strengths and challenges, meet with a mentor from senior administration/faculty, and immerse themselves in team projects for the benefit of the university.
- The Department Chairs Certification Program fulfills the vision of VCU’s President by developing the leadership capacities of unit leaders at the university. By using a curriculum designed with input from the provost, deans, and other senior administrators, this program provides both current and newly appointed department chairs with sessions focused on the following tiers of information: visioning and strategic planning; excellence in day-to-day operations; and responding to “red flag” or crisis issues.
- The HIGHER Ground Women’s Leadership Development Program is a five-month leadership development experience for current and emerging women leaders who are committed to investing in themselves and their organizations. The program is designed to benefit women at all career levels in public, private, nonprofit, and entrepreneurial positions. Training opportunities promote personal and professional growth through leadership development, education, coaching, and networking. By engaging in intellectual and experiential workshops, participants learn key principles aimed at enhancing their leadership styles to help them successfully leverage opportunities for advancement.
- The Minority Political Leadership Institute is a collaborative initiative of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Foundation and The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at VCU. MPLI is an intensive eight-month experience designed to promote leadership development for individuals interested in issues important to minority communities including: community economics, political climate, civic engagement, and equity. MPLI offers insights regarding leadership legacy and culture, personal leadership, policy and legislative processes, responsible stewardship, public service, and integrity for future leaders.
Other ways to contribute
- Share your time. We also welcome your support through sharing your time and talents with the Institute. Please e-mail us at gehli@vcu.edu with your ideas for in-kind support.
- Share your story. Your experience helps us demonstrate the impact of GEHLI on our participants. Share how the Institute has made a difference in your life at gehli@vcu.edu.
- Spread the word. Tell your friends, colleagues, and coworkers about the Institute. Encourage your employer to support GEHLI as a resource for leadership development.
The success of our mission and programs would not be possible without the generosity of institutional (corporations, foundations, and other groups) and individual supporters. We appreciate your support.